Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Mitch Q

 Sixty-five years ago when I was three years old I received an amazing little car for Christmas. When I would pull it backwards the rear wheels would wind an internal spring that would propel the car forward. I'm pretty sure it was red and no larger than an adult's hand. I had gotten up early and ran downstairs to see what Santa had brought. I played with the little car and then while playing in the kitchen the car ran into the leg of the kitchen table and the car just sat there while the rear wheels kept spinning. I thought that was amazing and ran upstairs to my parent's bedroom and asked if they could hear the wheels spinning on the little car in the kitchen. I'm always amazed that I have remembered a Christmas from sixty-five years past and that little car. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Posting Expectations for Spring 2021


Hello Students!

We will use this platform for discussion and ideas so that all students can participate since there is an intermediate and advanced section and Wyocourses does not allow this overlap.  
As per your syllabus, you are asked to include in your posts


Making art does not happen in a bubble, we need that which is happening around us, done before us, to
help us clarify what we want to communicate. We do this in the sculpture studio by using Wyocourses
to work through ideas. Discussion helps us help each other as well as keep us informed and taking
notes during and outside of class will help you in the training in safety, material, and tool practices given in class.

For discussion of ideas:
  • Include sketches for each task and each project. Quality of images is important.
  • Assignment Posts are to be posted every Sunday by midnight
  • Attached images of artist images the artists must be from list given
  • Slides and information regarding past and contemporary artists utilizing sculpture as communication on your 
    blog for EACH project..   
  • Text -At least 350 words required to describe each project. Paint a picture in words of what your piece will strive to express. You do not need to speak about how you will make it. Write text in Word to count words used (**characters/spaces not considered-only words). *This is a practical application in that most art calls have a limited word statement that must supplement images submitted.  For tasks, journal about process and include sketches that make sense to share.We are always looking at improving drawing 3D form. The more you do, the better you will get.
  • **Comment on your peers’ work