Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Fernando Public Art Ideas

I like the idea of creating a sculpture and would have lots of fun in the process. I would like to create a simple animal such as a fox.
Why is a fox simple?  Why not another animal- is there a reason for a fox in particular? What would we get from this piece as a viewer.  In Laramie, the fox population was poisoned a few years back because they were giving mange to the domesticated animals in town. This is why our rabbit population is so large.
My second idea was a piece you could interact with and use in public such as a wooden bench which I drew the sketches in the images. I like how resin epoxy is added to many furniture wood pieces. The second version of the bench adds a back rest that would give more comfort and possibly have a soft material as the back support. 

LOVE THIS!!!!!! Please make this one. Really think about the form- make it stunning as an abstract and a functional seat when used.

Artists? Find some on my list that can offer some help with form.

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