Monday, April 12, 2021

Megan Brown Project 3 Ideas

 I picked up two pieces for this project: one green vase and one small glass flower (?). I thought both of these pieces had very organic forms that I could play with, and low and beheld; I had so many ideas! I need help deciding which one to do. All of these sketches have shapes that I've been craving to play with, so I am struggling with which one I want to work with. 

#1 is relatively simple, and if I went with it, I would want to add a crazy texture or perhaps embroidery onto the tentacle(?) form. I would want to make sure the two tentacles on the "mouth" of the vase looked like they went down into the vase and were not connected. 
#2 Has a sort of hollow cage made out of soft material with nylon or some kind of transparent netting in between the supporting pillars. Inside I would like to create a soft fuzzy form that moves and flits about inside the cage. 
#3 Is inspired by an alien plant that catches passerby bugs/animals on the "tongue" and processes them down to the lower part of the carnivorous plant where it is digested, and the energy is used to grow the roots at the base.
#4 is also Inspired by an alien plant, but this one is more elegant and decorative than dangerous and predatory. 
My final sketch is using the second piece I picked up. I am picturing a tongue traveling all the way down the transparent tube the stem is made of. This tongue would be spiky and rough like a cat's, and sitting on it  would be some sort of tasty-looking berries/alien orbs (but they will look scrumptious!) 

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